Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Amendment One in NC

I was under the impression that the first amendment was for the FREEDOM of religion, speech, press, and gathering.  I know it's been a few years since I studied the US Constitution but I do know that it is what makes our country great is that we have FREEDOM.  Which is why so many people use to come here. 
I know each amendment goes deeper than is seen and stated, which you can dive into and read all about in the links above.  What I'd like to address is some post and information I've seen that I really can't agree with.  I use to live in NC and still have friends who live there so this is how I learned about the new proposed bill, one of my friends shared the photo:

This really aggravates me that such a beautiful state could think to take away a person's rights.  It doesn't matter if what your status is, what your religion is, if you're gay, straight, bi, dress conservatively or "inappropriately" if someone says NO it means NO.  Abuse of all kinds can happen to anyone and everyone should be able to get help.

Not only would this take away domestic violence protections but it would ban all types of civil unions and partnership which is not between one man and one woman.  Learn about the ballot.

Please let's open our eyes to how this will be taking away peoples rights.  How can we think that it is OK to say that only if you're married that you will be involved in domestic violence?  And why is there such hate towards gay people?

If you know anyone living in NC please share this with them so they can know what's going on in their state.

You won't see many post from me about voting but this is something I feel strongly about.  I don't get into politics much because I don't have a "side" and usually I don't vote but if I were in NC or something like this was going on in my state I'd be registering to vote right away.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Green week 4

I can't believe April is over.  What a busy month it was.  I figured since I've been busy talking about educating ourselfs about toxic chemicals in our cleaners at Earth Day Events I'd use that as some of my green tips.

Green Tips:
** Educate yourself and your kids.  Learning about the ways to go green is one of the most important things you can do, and as I saw over the last 2 weekends there are many interactive activities at Earth Day Events for kids to learn.  When I was in school they also had activities for use, find out if there's something going on in your area where you can take your kids out to.
**One great way to go green and include your kids is to have your own garden, you and your family will enjoy watching the plants grow and eating the fruits of your labor :)  I look forward to planting our own garden this year although we're still deciding on where we're going to place the garden.
 **  Hang up your laundry to dry instead of using the dryer and reduce the amount of electricity you use.  Also with laundry wait until you have a full load instead of doing mini loads.  You can also use a green laundry detergent, softer, and dryer sheets.  These dryer sheets go right in your paper recycling when you're done.  And this stain remover and laundry booster can double as a toilet bowl cleaner and is safe enough that it won't hurt your pets if they accidentally drink it.

Green website/paper: 
This site talks about why going green is important and ways to do so and also gives you resources to buy about sustainable living.

Wangari Maathai won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her work in planting trees in her home country of Kenya, Africa.  She founded the Green Belt Movement which has planted over 30million trees in Africa!
I learned of her because she is very well respected in the Shaklee community this year I learned about the I am the Humming Bird  campaign where this year Shaklee has a goal of planting 1 billion trees world wide in honor of the late Wangari Maathai.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Green week 3


Quite a bit has been going on this week.  I had a BBQ on Sunday celebrating my birthday and my new business.  I tried to make it a green event and found a few tips I'll share.  I also went to an Earth Day event where I got to talk to people about toxic chemicals in their cleaners.  It was a great week.  I love how many kids came out to the event it really shows that there is hope for a brighter future.
 Here is a photo of Lisa Alexander and I at our booth: 

Tips:  Small changes for a party that everyone is sure to enjoy and the planet will like more as well.
I know that we always try to do things the easy way when it comes to hosting a party or event at our house.  We want less dishes so we use paper and plastic everything, we buy soda, bottled water, and make burgers and hot dogs.
What I planned on doing was having everyone use our plates and dishes but once we counted out how many people were going to come out we found we had to use something else, but I wanted to try to be more green so we found recycled paper plates and used them.  We also instead of getting plastic forks, knives, and spoons we sent out our real forks for people to use.
I made homemade sweet tea and filled an already empty plastic jug with my tea and a glass pitcher (which is what I used to serve it in. (pictured below)
The great benefit to this was that there was less sugar than store bough ice tea, and it was much cheaper!  And everyone commented on how great it was (score!)

I asked guest to BYOB so we didn't have the added cost of supplying beer for everyone.

I did not find a way around buying plastic cups.  

We helped minimize clean up by setting out a bin for everyone to put their cans in.

For food everyone asked what they could bring and told us what they were bringing so we didn't have to cook a whole lot and made some kabobs, fruit salad, and homemade dip.  Everything turned out great!  To our surprise we only had a few meat dishes and lots of choices for everyone!

A BBQ almost always requires a fire.  I love sitting or standing around a campfire with friends.  This year a friend of ours found a great way to reduce the amount of wood you use when having a fire, contain the fire well, and it makes the perfect way to cook when camping.  Check out the photos below and if you're interested in one for your next camping trip please send an email asking for more info.

I also sent out the invite over Facebook instead of sending out written invites to everyone.  I did snail mails some to people who aren't on facebook.  So I saved myself an added cost of prints, cards, and postage. And reduced the amount of paper we used.

Here's a great site for ways to celebrate Earth Day today and everyday by yourself and as an event.

People: The volunteers at Lacawac Sanctuary
Lacawac Sanctuary is a great place to learn about our ecosystem and enjoy the outdoors.  They offer many educational programs.  If you're in their area check out what they have going on or just stop in for a visit.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Green week 2

Tip: Filter your water.
Instead of buying cases of bottled water, get a water purification system and use that.  We like Get Clean Water, but there are many others for you to chose from.  I use to buy a lot of water (I did recycle the bottles) but I'm really happy to have found a water purifier that I trust and now will be getting less BPA, lead, and other contaminates in my drinking water :)

Website/Newspaper: Natural Awakenings Magazine
I stumbled across this for FREE at a local store I went to this week and picked it up.  It was great, it told me about Green Businesses in the area, and gave me more green tips, tricks, and reasons.

Person: YOU
Yes, I say YOU.  As in every one that reads this you that you tell, you, me, our kids, everyone can be green.  It doesn't take much, make one change and make a difference, make 5 small changes and make an impact, change your life and become an activist.  What you do is up to you.
Every one of us wants to live in a beautiful land, and weather you make a change to save yourself some money or because you want a better world for our kids we are all helping.
I'm far from perfect when it comes to going green.  I've driven my fair share of cars that get 8miles to the gallon and leak oil like crazy, I love to have a warm house and I take long showers, but I'm making small changes in other areas and that helps.  I feel better making these changes and knowing that I'm doing something good.
Don't be unhappy when you're going green and making these changes because that won't give you satisfaction.  By all mean if you get a water purification system and you don't like it, then go ahead and send it back in, get your refund, and buy your bottled water, but recycle the bottle when you're done with them.
Learn how to become an Earth Day Advocate and spread your passion.

Here is a photo of my husband, daughter, and myself.  Hope you all had a Happy Easter.  Would love to hear some ways YOU are Green!  Please post them below!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Realized I've over booked myself

Today should be Day 5 of my Green living tips.
I've realized that I don't have enough time in a day to write a Green living tip every day. I would like to and I think it's still a great idea but I just don't have enough time to devote to writing a blog everyday.  I'm sorry.  I will still continue to put up at least one or two Green living tip blogs each week for the month of April.

I've also overbooked myself with BOOKS!  I had gone to the library and put in a request for 3 books they didn't have and they all showed up and have to be back in 2weeks, so I have a lot of reading to be doing.
I've gotten: Peas and Thank-YouThe-Face-Your-Plate, and Death by Medicine.

I'm also planning Earth Day events, I want to write the other blog I mentioned about overcoming a bad past, and I have a newsletter to write and send out to my family and friends...slightly misjudged how much time is in a day.

Hope you all have a great Easter!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Green Day 4

Tip: Plant a Tree
I remember in school a couple years we were given trees to plant...if you're kid brings home a tree plant it...if you live somewhere where you can't...find a big pot to keep it in.
This year Shaklee has a goal to plant 1billion trees around the world!!! I'm very happy to say I will be a part of that!  I'll be planting one in our yard!  I love weeping cherry trees and would love to plant one of them.

I just love this photo of the CEO of Shaklee planting trees for his A Million Trees. A Million Dreams™, environmental campaign that raised awareness of global climate change and initiates efforts to plant trees in North America and Africa which in 2009 Shaklee commemorated the planting of the 1 millionth tree, a culmination of a three year campaign with program Ambassador and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Wangari Maathai and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Trees breath life back into our atmosphere.  They are a home to birds, and animals, they provide natural shade (I know you can go inside or put up an umbrella or whatever but it's not the same as sitting under a tree and enjoying some lemonade), they also filter polloution from the air and prevent soil loss.  Plant a tree this year with your kids

Here's another great family movie about how important trees are.  Again my husband picked out this movie because he watched it as a kid and still loves it (now that I've seen it I love it too)  If you haven't seen it pick it up and watch it tonight with your family, if you have seen it be sure to share it with your kids as well :)

Person: Roger Barnett
Since I've already put a photo of him up I figured now is a great time to share about Roger.  He is the CEO of Shaklee.  He spent $20million researching Shaklee to make sure they were the greenest company he could find before he then bought it!  Since he took over he's invested even more of his money into research and development and international expansion and improving the compensation plan!
So where did Roger come from that he had 20million to spend doing research??  You might know the name of two of the other companies that he was the CEO of...arcade inc and  When Roger's son became sick and developed Asthma with no family history of breathing issues Roger and his wife began doing research on why he was sick.  (I shared this in The Truth about our Cleaning Products) Once he found Shaklee he then invested money and wanted to know how green they were and everything about the company.  We're very glad he did his homework and loved the company so much that he decided to buy it! We love have the World Economic Forum selected "Global Leader for Tomorrow" as the guy in charge.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Green Day 3

Tip: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This one is self explanatory...Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to cut down on how much trash is going into landfills.

A site for kids to play jigsaw puzzles, unscramble words, and take quizzes about Earth, endangered animals and more
Person: Will Steger
If you haven't heard of him, you probably still know who he is, click on his name and check out his site which has some of his photography work, books he's written and all about the expeditions he's gone on.  He's long been an active environmentalist having even gone in front of Congress to talk about issues with our environment especially the poles.  He is just an amazing man who has done so much in some very harsh conditions!  Thanks Will Steger for all the knowledge and experience you've brought to us about how we're effecting our world!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Green Day 2

Green Tip:  Eat less meat.
I read this in a book last week and found it interesting although I don't remember the name of the book I remember how it said that by eating 2-4pounds less of red meat we would be saving as much water as if we didn't shower everyday for a year!  Wow since I do like to shower a bit on the longer side that's a great way to save water so we've started doing this!  Then today I learned that there are a lot more reasons we need to take in less red meat to help the environment, like saving gas, money, grain, water, and greenhouse gas.
I don't have any issues with cutting my meat intake.  I love fruit, veggies, and grains.  My family however does not feel the same way, they are all big meat eaters but I've been very lucky in that my husband has jumped on board and agreed to go vegetarian at least one meal a week.  And we have also quit drinking cows milk and found that we love Blue Diamond Almond Coconut Milk better than dairy milk and that it has more calcium.  Also Dark Chocolate Almond milk is the best chocolate milk I've ever had!!
I plan on this summer going meatless 2 times a week.

A look at what's in my fridge now...since we couldn't find the Blue Diamond milk that we like so much

Green video: Wall-E

This is a great movie the whole family is sure to love.  My husband probably watches it more than my 3year old daughter!  There are a few messages in this cartoon: we need to take care of our planet, we are going to start running out of places to put our trash and have to reduce how much we are putting in landfills, we are lazy people and have learned how to become helpless and that we can change.  Let us hope that in 100 years this our planet is still beautiful and that this movie is still just fiction.

Green Person: Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee
Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee founded a wonderful company that was created with nature in mind.  The company he started has lead the way in many health and environmental ways.
"Follow the laws of nature and you'll never go wrong." -Dr Forrest C Shaklee
Here is a list of just some of the environmental heritage of Dr. Forrest Shaklee:

1956   Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee founds a company based on Living in Harmony with Nature® that is committed to developing products to improve the health of people and the planet. 
1970s   Shaklee introduces one of the first biodegradable laundry detergents that contains no phosphates, nitrates, or borates. 

1987 Shaklee is selected by Jacques Cousteau and the Cousteau Society to provide environmentally friendly 
cleaning products for use onboard their research vessels, the Calypso and Alcyone. 
1989 Shaklee helps build schools and health clinics and plants more than 1 million trees in Asia through a partnership with the American Himalayan Foundation, an organization chaired by Sir Edmund Hillary

2009 Shaklee commemorates the planting of the 1 millionth tree, a culmination of a three year campaign, “A Million Trees. A Million Dreams, with program Ambassador and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Wangari Maathai and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

2009 Shaklee is honored with a Green Power Leadership Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in recognition of its commitment and contribution to helping advance the development of the nation’s voluntary green power market. 

On my facebook page I'm going to keep posting 1 green fact about Shaklee everyday so like it and learn more about this great company Dr. Forrest Shaklee started!!

To learn more about Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee check out these links: youtubeThe-Shaklee-Name-History-ebookThe-Shaklee-Story

Thank you Dr. Forrest Shaklee for founding this great company with such a strong foundation that is bonded with nature.

Thank you makers of Wall-E for creating a movie to make kids and parents aware of where our world is headed if we don't change!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Green Day 1

Tip: Bring bags with you when you go out shopping. 
 I use canvas tote bags that have my business on them so I'm also doing my advertising as I shop.  One of my other friends reuses the plastic bags she gets from the store so that there's less in the landfill.
Trick: At first I kept forgetting to bring the bags with me when I left the house.  Put the bags so you trip over them when leaving the house, and on your way out put them in the car weather you're shopping that day or not, then you have them with you when you are at the store.

Website: Living Green Magazine online
Be sure to check out this online Magazine and stay on top of all the latest Green news!!

Person: Lisa Alexander 
Image Detail
Lisa is a great friend of mine.  She's also my business associate and mentor.  Besides that she has a long list of credits that all amount to her being the Queen Of Green.  She is often asked to talk all over about the latest in green building, saving money while going green, and green tips and tricks.  To view some of what she has said before please watch this video and feel free to look for other ways to go green with Lisa.  She just did a great webinar about going green and if you'd like to view that I'll have to send it to you in an email so be sure to message me and ask for that clip.
On top of all her creditably she is also an animal right activist and refuses to do botox and raises awareness about how cruel botox testing is done on dogs (to the point of death).  She also promotes green building, and saving money by going green.
Thank you Lisa in your part of taking care of our planet.

Happy April Everyone

I love April for a couple reasons: Easter, my birthday, Take Back The NightEarth Day, Spring, and it's a month of sexual assault awareness.
I was molested as a child and on through my teen years so TBTN and raising awareness is important to me.  I realized over the weekend that I should have a blog for that and this month I will start one.
I love Spring; the warmer weather, new growth, fresh air, new life, just makes you feel alive and new yourself.
Earth Day.  As you know I wasn't always green, or healthy.  I wasn't raised to reduce, reuse, recycle - going green is new to me.  This is an adjustment for both my family and myself, but it's worth it to do all we can to save our planet.  Our kids should be able to see animals that are endangered (right now) all the time, they should be able to drink water from a stream, and think that the movie WALL-E will never become true because we reversed the problem and changed the direction our world is going in because we've opened our eyes to what we're doing.
For Earth Day I plan on writing one post every day this month with:
1-way to go green tip
1-green webpage/video
1-green person
I think it's also important that I follow my advice so I will be doing everything I share as well.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's in your vitamins?

In December I joined Shaklee and became a health and wellness educator, this has been a big change for me since I never realized how bad some things are for you and I have always just gone with the flow of what others have told me.  Until I found Shaklee I knew vitamins were good (at least I thought all of them were) and I’d spend a lot of time in the vitamin isle looking for the best, cheapest vitamin for me.  I also thought that if they were being sold in the store or on TV that they would work, were proven safe, and that SOMEONE was regulating them and approving them before they were sold to consumers.  Oh how my eyes have been open.

Before going any further I should say this we NEED to supplement.  We don't get all the nutrition we need from our diet.  Not only that but we don't eat as healthy as we should.  How often do you eat fast food?  There are many benefits to supplements and I will be sharing them in future post but for now please view this video: Why Supplement?

A friend of mine recently told me how she was watching the news and saw a story about how some supplement companies were putting out false reports, lying about ingredients and were poising their consumers.  I was floored.  I had been talking to her about some Shaklee supplements and had been showing her who all uses them and the research behind them, she proceeded to tell me that while she (like me) had thought that buying anything from a store (especially one such as GNC) meant that they were safe and now that she saw this story on the news she would no longer get any vitamins from any other source than Shaklee because of their outstanding reputation! 

After she told me this I decided to do a little digging of my own and to share what I’ve found with everyone how I’ve had my eyes opened in these last couple weeks.

*The FDA does not regulate or approve any dietary supplement before it goes on the shelves at stores, or becomes an infomercial. 
                Why don’t they?  Simply put because they are not a drug or food. 
                What do they do?  Watch for labels that claim to be something other than they are, and will recall products that after being sold, people have gotten sick from using them. 
                For more information about how the FDA handles recalls and vitamins check out theses links:

*You can’t believe what’s in infomercials, especially ones about any supplement (weightless, sexual enhancement, and body building)

                According to this video from NBC on Dateline the companies that produce infomercials usually hire actresses to give fake testimonies, and you can even find a doctor who has no morals and will accept money to say that the product really works.  

*NBC did another segment about mislabeled and fake test behind some vitamins.
 This story really scared me about what are on our shelves and how greedy these companies are that they are willing to lie and risk our health for their profit.  I think all companies should be thinking about the effect their product will have on their costumers and be concerned for them.  I don’t see why someone would want to produce a product and conceal any info about it; I believe that people have the right to know exactly what are in our supplements.  Not only should we know what’s in our supplements we should be better educated about what we should be taking and how much.  We should have access to reports, studies, and testimonies from REAL people who have taken the products and use them.

While doing my research for this blog I found it hard to find more info about what vitamins have been recalled and why, and how often recalls happen.  The lady who introduced me to Shaklee (the only vitamins I use now) told me how she spent 6months researching the company before she joined, she also told me how while doing her research she called GNC where she was getting her supplements before and asked them how often they get recalls and she said that they are always pulling products off the shelves!  

I also found this forum that said that there was a recall on a vitamin I think I was prescribed while pregnant…thanks companies for putting me and my daughter at risk since you didn’t do enough testing before sending products out for consumers.  Not only was that a concern but I’ve also come across some scary and surprising facts about lead in vitamins in particular prenatal and children’s.  Think about this we know that lead is a poisonous metal and are warned about the risk of lead based paints and recalls on toys because of lead content, but here we are taking it into our bodies and even giving it to our kids without knowing.  The FDA has decided that the amounts of lead is “safe/tolerable levels,” but let’s think about this.  The amount of damage done by lead poising depends on how much lead the body has taken in and how long someone’s been exposed to it, if we’re taking in safe/tolerable levels every day for a couple years, that amounts to a lot of lead in our bodies.
For more information about lead in vitamins check out these links:

So what are some things WE can do to make sure we’re taking the best supplements to make sure we’re getting all the nutrition we need every day?? 
**Research the company that you’re getting your vitamins from
**Do not use any products that promise to show results in as little as 24-72hours
**Avoid sexual enhancement supplements, and others that say they are equal to pharmaceutical drugs
**Read the labels  
**Talk to someone who has personally used the vitamins/supplement that you’re looking at
**Start demanding that the FDA gets involved and monitors everything that we ingest! We have a right to know what we put in our mouths is safe!  Yes even food sometimes slips by them but companies should not be allowed to lie to us!
**Spread the word about recalls
**Share what you learn about certain vitamin companies to your friends so that they also can be aware.
**Does the company have any patents?  
**Can you get proof of their studies?
                Personally I only use Shaklee because I’ve done my research on them, was introduced to Shaklee by living green expert Lisa Alexander, I’ve meet with and heard from one of the scientist who works for Shaklee, and in May I will be meeting with the CEO of the company, Roger Barnett.  The products from Shaklee are the only ones I will use for my family and loved ones.  I know that the company spends $250 million dollars each year on research and development, they test every raw ingredient as soon as they come in and continue quality test throughout production, and they care more about the people who are taking the supplement than the profit they make.  Why do I say that?  A couple years back there was a fungal break out on ginseng and Shaklee refused to use any ginseng for their raw ingredients and wrote letters to all the consumers telling them that they would not have ginseng products until they found a clean source and have gone onto back order.  That is the type of company I would trust.  They also have a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee.  Look into your vitamin company and see where they stand on such issues.
                Also talk to people who use the products and have them tell you how they feel and what type of a difference the vitamin has made.  I have a lot of testimonies about Shaklee from myself, my friends, my family, and other people I’ve met through the company and talked to.  I was weary about Shaklee until I talked to two people personally and heard what a difference they could feel, and then I started using Vitalizer, Nutriferon, and the Get Clean system and fell in love with them.  My husband loves the energy he has on Vitalizer, I love that I can get over a cold quick, and feel great even with a common cold thanks to Nutriferon, and I love how safe and how wonderful Get Clean works, it cleans my floors, windows, bathroom, daughter, and she's even drank it and it didn't hurt her.  I have a lot of testimonies about the products and know even more people with their own experiences.

And proof Shaklee has: 
Ongoing proof of our product performance is demonstrated by: 
  • Over 100 scientific publications, 90-plus in peer-reviewed journals
  • The Landmark Study, the only study of its kind, which showed that people who took Shaklee supplements over a period of 20 years had markedly better health than both single-multivitamin and nonsupplement users
  • Shaklee products powering athletes to win 125 medals
  • Shaklee products fueling world explorers, 7 of Time-Life's "Greatest Adventures of All Time," and NASA Shuttle astronauts with a special rehydration product (called Astro-Ade)

I just went to a couple meetings and seminars and should have more info up in the next day or two to share with you, please stay tuned in.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Big News This Week

The big news this week in our house is my daughter is potty trained!!!
I wanted her potty trained as soon as she could walk (that did not happen).  I was really starting to struggle with the idea that my 3 year old was still in pull-ups and showed no interest in going pee on the potty unless we were out shopping or to eat then of course she'd say she had to go pee, but hardly ever went - I think she used it as an excuse to get to walk around or just wanted make sure there was a potty.

So how did we do it??
The Diaper Fairy!!
A friend told us how she got her niece off the binki by coming up with a Binki Fairy, she made a pretty box and the child put her binki in and when she woke up there was a toy she really wanted there.  She said it worked really well for them.
We took her idea and twisted it and came up with the diaper fairy.  I sat my daughter down and asked her if she wanted the diaper fairy to come to our house and leave her presents.  Her face lit right up at presents.  I explained to her that she'd have to give up her pull-ups and show him that she was a big girl and could go pee and poo in the potty then we'd set out all her pull-ups and the diaper fairy would leave her a present when he took the pull-ups away.
That night we had her out of a pull-up and in her big girl panties.  We went all week with only one accident so the diaper fairy came by and left her a basket of presents (including more big girl panties).  Since then she's been doing really good with going potty but only when she has to she won't go "sit and try," but I can live with that.  Now the only trouble time is if she's outside playing, like most kids she doesn't want to stop, but we put a potty outside for her and that seems to be working well.

I should mention that she hasn't wet at night in over a year and half, and some other tricks we tried were candy/treats (I know not healthy but we're starting to change to healthier living) and money (spare change) for every time she went pee or poo in the potty.  Those tricks only worked when she felt like going for treats or money...every once in a blue moon.

Good luck to all you other moms working on potty training!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Truth about our Cleaning Products

Do you or your children have asthma?  Do you get headaches or nauseous while cleaning?  Have you ever thought about what's in your cleaners that you use?

I use to gag every time I cleaned because of the fumes, but even so I never thought about my cleaning products as being harmful as long as no one drank them.  Then I saw some eye-opening videos and I started to do some digging to find out more.  What I found scared me and I hope that by sharing what I've found I'll open everyone's eyes, especially other mothers, that we can all live a little better and healthier and make our world a little more safe and green.  I'll have all links at the end of this blog.  

The chemicals used in our cleaners have so many side effects that aren't listed on the container...actually most don't list their ingredients at all because they aren't required to.  Fragrances are considered trade secrete so the chemicals used to make that scent you may like so much could be what's causing your headaches, allergies, asthma, and many contain phthalates which are know hormone disrupters.

Here are some photos of cleaners I was using before.  Notice how they don't list all their ingredients.
What's in the other over 90%?

These chemicals used to make our cleaners have been found and known to be poisonous, cause chemical burns, respiratory irritation, birth defects, cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more.  Many are considered to be hazardous waste and are harmful to people and our environment.  And that's just of the chemicals that we know of.  There are over 80,000 chemicals in the USA but less than 500 have been tested for toxicity.

Yes, we knew that our cleaners are toxic and to keep them away from our children-it says so right on the bottle, yet 90% of all poisoning occurs at home and household cleaners, particularly those containing Bleach, are the number one cause of poising children!!

Every time we turn around there's something new that causes cancer, so while I was surprised to hear that something we use to avoid getting sick can cause cancer, it's not really that surprising.  But the good thing is that by knowing about this we can make changes and reduce our risk.

The rest of the side effects really did surprise me and made me worry...

Did you know that 1 in 10 children had asthma in 2009? And that asthma is the number one reason children go to the hospital?  Have you wondered why asthma rates keep rising?  Why are kids with no family history of respiratory problems now coming down with them?  For the same reason our air pollution levels are 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outside.  The same study found that in some cases the pollution levels were 100 times higher.  OK, so outside we have cars and factories yet our pollution levels are higher inside our homes which should be safe.  The average house has over 62 toxic chemicals in it!  Many of these chemicals irritate or even cause asthma.  People who have any respiratory issues or heart problems should avoid cleaning with or even being around chlorine bleach and ammonia because they emit such harsh fumes.  The fumes are instantly causing irritation to your eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.  That's just each of the chemicals alone, combine them together or mix them with any other chemicals (especially oven or toilet bowl cleaners) and now there's a lung damaging gas in the air.  Read your labels as they will tell you if your cleaner is a respiratory irritant.  Look for words saying, "use in well ventilated area" or anything of the sort.  It could even be like this one I found on my old toilet bowl cleaner :
It says in bold "Do not close toilet bowl lid" I know I usually close the lid when I clean because I don't want any toys or other items in the house to go in the toilet...and not only that but is your bathroom ventilated well?  I know I don't open the windows or turn on the fan in the winter when it's cold out.
Then it goes on to say "Do not use with chlorine bleach or any other chemical products" 
This one is big Hazards to humans and domestic Animals I was surprised at looking back at all my other cleaners I uses to use and seeing that label on most of the cleaners! It says it's "Hazards to humans" yet we're cleaning with these, breathing in the fumes or over-spray, and using them around our kids and pets!! 
And it doesn't stop there this one goes on to say that you should use protective eye-wear, gloves, and to wash your hands afterward before going to do anything else!
Here are two more photos of the same product:
Where do you store your cleaners?  Before I found a safer cleaner, all of my cleaners were together under the sink...that's not well ventilated.

Look at the First Aid Warning label of this

If on the skin rinse with water for up to 20minutes and call poison control...if inhaled move to fresh air, and if not breathing call 911...just from being in contact with a cleaner...yeah that's scary!  And this use to be under my sink!  Very happy and relived to say it's not anymore.

Many all purpose cleaners that are to be used on counter tops require you to rinse the cleaned surface afterward to make sure you get most of the chemicals off like I found on this bottle:

So why are we using these cleaners that are so harmful?  Because they are what we see advertised on TV and in the newspaper, and what we can clip coupons for, convenience, right?  I know that was the case for me.  Then I'd look at the "green" cleaners and look at the price and say "That's not really in my budget."  So I never switched over to the green cleaners because I didn't know how bad cleaners are for us.  Now that I know all I do, I also know that not all green cleaners are safe and the words on the labels aren't verified by the government.

I'm very happy to say I've been able to replace all my toxic cleaners for a great safe, non toxic cleaner and I've been able to save myself a lot of money.  There are sites out there to find out how to make your own cleaner but I don't want to make my own cleaners out of vinegar or peroxide or anything like that.  It seems like a hassle.  But this cleaning system I found is a concentrate, and it comes with spray bottles that have how much cleaner you add to the bottle to make your window cleaner, all propose cleaner, degreaser, and there's hundreds of ways to clean with it.  It's easy and hassle free!  And it works!
I did my research on this company and found that they are the #1 natural nutrition company in the US, they've planted over 1million trees, and are even used in the White House (and have been since 2008)! And they are one of Oprah's favorite products
By buying the whole Get Clean kit to change over all my cleaners for these safe, non toxic, environmental friendly ones I spent $99, saved over $3,000 and have saved the world of 248 pounds of greenhouse gas, and kept 108 pounds of packaging waste out of the landfills.  How awesome is that!!  Not only is that part amazing but I've also been able to rest easy with cleaning around my daughter.  She now loves to help mommy wash the windows, or clean whatever I'm cleaning and I can give her the spray bottle of Get Clean and let her have fun without worrying about her poising herself.  It's awesome to know that we have a cleaner that works, (and it does), and it's safe enough for her to won't even hurt her if she drinks it!  That made a world of difference in our home.

To learn more about anything I talked about or to look into switching over your cleaners here are all the sites and videos where I've gotten all of my information.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wonderful benefits of horses

I started my love of horses 20years ago and up until 2years ago I didn't realize how many benefits from ridding there are.  I always thought horses were beautiful and loved ridding, I had an abusive past and whenever I wanted to escape and clear my head and really feel like I belonged somewhere I'd go brush my horse, go for a ride, or sometimes just sit there with him and calm down.  Horses are strong, powerful, beautiful creatures that brings me a peace of mind whenever I'm with them  there for I knew that when my husband asked me to marry him I wanted to ride off on horse back.  Below is one of our wedding photos.
Three years ago I was blessed to have a beautiful daughter enter my life.  I was very lucky that I lost a lot of my baby weight through breastfeeding but I didn't get any muscle back.  My daughter was born in February and I was back in the saddle by August and the following spring I became a trail guide, that is when I noticed how much of a work out horses are.  Just from ridding I now have more muscle than ever before.   
Here's a photo I took of one of the best places to feel connected to nature
Ridding isn't just sitting on the back of a horse and the horse doing all the work you use a lot of muscles to keep your balance and stay in your seat especially your inner thigh, abs, legs, shoulder, and back.  The great thing about horse back riding as a form of exercise for me is that you don't notice you're working out!  It's relaxing, and fun.  I encourage everyone to take a trail with a friend and just chat, the next day you will notice the burn in your muscles, this is a nice casual way to try out horse back ridding and get in a small work out.  To really build muscles and get a good work out in take ridding lessons or see if a barn near you will offer trails one on one with a guide.

Here are some photos of me ridding some of the horses from the barn  this fall/winter:

As I said earlier I've been ridding for 20years now and have a lot of practice.  I can ride backwards, bareback, and stand up on a still horse....please DO NOT TRY ON YOUR OWN, I've been practicing this for a few years and always have people around if anything goes wrong.

How many calories can you burn from riding a horse?
Well that depends on the weather you're going to burn more when it's hot out and you're sweating a lot or when it's cold and you're body is trying to keep you warm but according to I burn about 113 calories on a 30minute trail/exercise.  I find that most people go out for an hour tail so you're on the horse for an estimated 70minutes and someone who weights the same as me at 125 will burn 268 calories.  To find out how much you can burn fill out your weight and how long you want to ride for here 
I usually ride a lot more than just 30minutes.  When I go to the barn I'm usually there all day.  And can spend anywhere from an hour to five on the back of a horse.
There's a lot more to getting exercise and a clear head than just riding.  Horses need to be taken care of, they need to be groomed, stalls need to be cleaned, feed, hay, and even the horses need a work out and bonding exercises.  All of these are also great work outs and wonderful ways to bond with your horse.
Here is a photo of me round-penning a beautiful rocky mountain horse that we rescued from slaughter
I have gone through a lot that really broke down my self confidence and left me feeling insecure.  Working with these horses has really brought me a lot of my confidence and strength back.  I love how great I feel when I get a horse to do what I want him to.  Sometimes it's getting a horse to cross a stream that he's afraid of or something it's an inner strength like when I learned how to stand up on a horse.  These little things have a large impact on our lives.

For more info about working out with horses check this out