Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Truth about our Cleaning Products

Do you or your children have asthma?  Do you get headaches or nauseous while cleaning?  Have you ever thought about what's in your cleaners that you use?

I use to gag every time I cleaned because of the fumes, but even so I never thought about my cleaning products as being harmful as long as no one drank them.  Then I saw some eye-opening videos and I started to do some digging to find out more.  What I found scared me and I hope that by sharing what I've found I'll open everyone's eyes, especially other mothers, that we can all live a little better and healthier and make our world a little more safe and green.  I'll have all links at the end of this blog.  

The chemicals used in our cleaners have so many side effects that aren't listed on the container...actually most don't list their ingredients at all because they aren't required to.  Fragrances are considered trade secrete so the chemicals used to make that scent you may like so much could be what's causing your headaches, allergies, asthma, and many contain phthalates which are know hormone disrupters.

Here are some photos of cleaners I was using before.  Notice how they don't list all their ingredients.
What's in the other over 90%?

These chemicals used to make our cleaners have been found and known to be poisonous, cause chemical burns, respiratory irritation, birth defects, cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more.  Many are considered to be hazardous waste and are harmful to people and our environment.  And that's just of the chemicals that we know of.  There are over 80,000 chemicals in the USA but less than 500 have been tested for toxicity.

Yes, we knew that our cleaners are toxic and to keep them away from our children-it says so right on the bottle, yet 90% of all poisoning occurs at home and household cleaners, particularly those containing Bleach, are the number one cause of poising children!!

Every time we turn around there's something new that causes cancer, so while I was surprised to hear that something we use to avoid getting sick can cause cancer, it's not really that surprising.  But the good thing is that by knowing about this we can make changes and reduce our risk.

The rest of the side effects really did surprise me and made me worry...

Did you know that 1 in 10 children had asthma in 2009? And that asthma is the number one reason children go to the hospital?  Have you wondered why asthma rates keep rising?  Why are kids with no family history of respiratory problems now coming down with them?  For the same reason our air pollution levels are 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outside.  The same study found that in some cases the pollution levels were 100 times higher.  OK, so outside we have cars and factories yet our pollution levels are higher inside our homes which should be safe.  The average house has over 62 toxic chemicals in it!  Many of these chemicals irritate or even cause asthma.  People who have any respiratory issues or heart problems should avoid cleaning with or even being around chlorine bleach and ammonia because they emit such harsh fumes.  The fumes are instantly causing irritation to your eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.  That's just each of the chemicals alone, combine them together or mix them with any other chemicals (especially oven or toilet bowl cleaners) and now there's a lung damaging gas in the air.  Read your labels as they will tell you if your cleaner is a respiratory irritant.  Look for words saying, "use in well ventilated area" or anything of the sort.  It could even be like this one I found on my old toilet bowl cleaner :
It says in bold "Do not close toilet bowl lid" I know I usually close the lid when I clean because I don't want any toys or other items in the house to go in the toilet...and not only that but is your bathroom ventilated well?  I know I don't open the windows or turn on the fan in the winter when it's cold out.
Then it goes on to say "Do not use with chlorine bleach or any other chemical products" 
This one is big Hazards to humans and domestic Animals I was surprised at looking back at all my other cleaners I uses to use and seeing that label on most of the cleaners! It says it's "Hazards to humans" yet we're cleaning with these, breathing in the fumes or over-spray, and using them around our kids and pets!! 
And it doesn't stop there this one goes on to say that you should use protective eye-wear, gloves, and to wash your hands afterward before going to do anything else!
Here are two more photos of the same product:
Where do you store your cleaners?  Before I found a safer cleaner, all of my cleaners were together under the sink...that's not well ventilated.

Look at the First Aid Warning label of this

If on the skin rinse with water for up to 20minutes and call poison control...if inhaled move to fresh air, and if not breathing call 911...just from being in contact with a cleaner...yeah that's scary!  And this use to be under my sink!  Very happy and relived to say it's not anymore.

Many all purpose cleaners that are to be used on counter tops require you to rinse the cleaned surface afterward to make sure you get most of the chemicals off like I found on this bottle:

So why are we using these cleaners that are so harmful?  Because they are what we see advertised on TV and in the newspaper, and what we can clip coupons for, convenience, right?  I know that was the case for me.  Then I'd look at the "green" cleaners and look at the price and say "That's not really in my budget."  So I never switched over to the green cleaners because I didn't know how bad cleaners are for us.  Now that I know all I do, I also know that not all green cleaners are safe and the words on the labels aren't verified by the government.

I'm very happy to say I've been able to replace all my toxic cleaners for a great safe, non toxic cleaner and I've been able to save myself a lot of money.  There are sites out there to find out how to make your own cleaner but I don't want to make my own cleaners out of vinegar or peroxide or anything like that.  It seems like a hassle.  But this cleaning system I found is a concentrate, and it comes with spray bottles that have how much cleaner you add to the bottle to make your window cleaner, all propose cleaner, degreaser, and there's hundreds of ways to clean with it.  It's easy and hassle free!  And it works!
I did my research on this company and found that they are the #1 natural nutrition company in the US, they've planted over 1million trees, and are even used in the White House (and have been since 2008)! And they are one of Oprah's favorite products
By buying the whole Get Clean kit to change over all my cleaners for these safe, non toxic, environmental friendly ones I spent $99, saved over $3,000 and have saved the world of 248 pounds of greenhouse gas, and kept 108 pounds of packaging waste out of the landfills.  How awesome is that!!  Not only is that part amazing but I've also been able to rest easy with cleaning around my daughter.  She now loves to help mommy wash the windows, or clean whatever I'm cleaning and I can give her the spray bottle of Get Clean and let her have fun without worrying about her poising herself.  It's awesome to know that we have a cleaner that works, (and it does), and it's safe enough for her to use...it won't even hurt her if she drinks it!  That made a world of difference in our home.

To learn more about anything I talked about or to look into switching over your cleaners here are all the sites and videos where I've gotten all of my information.  

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