Thursday, April 12, 2012

Green week 2

Tip: Filter your water.
Instead of buying cases of bottled water, get a water purification system and use that.  We like Get Clean Water, but there are many others for you to chose from.  I use to buy a lot of water (I did recycle the bottles) but I'm really happy to have found a water purifier that I trust and now will be getting less BPA, lead, and other contaminates in my drinking water :)

Website/Newspaper: Natural Awakenings Magazine
I stumbled across this for FREE at a local store I went to this week and picked it up.  It was great, it told me about Green Businesses in the area, and gave me more green tips, tricks, and reasons.

Person: YOU
Yes, I say YOU.  As in every one that reads this you that you tell, you, me, our kids, everyone can be green.  It doesn't take much, make one change and make a difference, make 5 small changes and make an impact, change your life and become an activist.  What you do is up to you.
Every one of us wants to live in a beautiful land, and weather you make a change to save yourself some money or because you want a better world for our kids we are all helping.
I'm far from perfect when it comes to going green.  I've driven my fair share of cars that get 8miles to the gallon and leak oil like crazy, I love to have a warm house and I take long showers, but I'm making small changes in other areas and that helps.  I feel better making these changes and knowing that I'm doing something good.
Don't be unhappy when you're going green and making these changes because that won't give you satisfaction.  By all mean if you get a water purification system and you don't like it, then go ahead and send it back in, get your refund, and buy your bottled water, but recycle the bottle when you're done with them.
Learn how to become an Earth Day Advocate and spread your passion.

Here is a photo of my husband, daughter, and myself.  Hope you all had a Happy Easter.  Would love to hear some ways YOU are Green!  Please post them below!

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