Monday, April 2, 2012

Green Day 2

Green Tip:  Eat less meat.
I read this in a book last week and found it interesting although I don't remember the name of the book I remember how it said that by eating 2-4pounds less of red meat we would be saving as much water as if we didn't shower everyday for a year!  Wow since I do like to shower a bit on the longer side that's a great way to save water so we've started doing this!  Then today I learned that there are a lot more reasons we need to take in less red meat to help the environment, like saving gas, money, grain, water, and greenhouse gas.
I don't have any issues with cutting my meat intake.  I love fruit, veggies, and grains.  My family however does not feel the same way, they are all big meat eaters but I've been very lucky in that my husband has jumped on board and agreed to go vegetarian at least one meal a week.  And we have also quit drinking cows milk and found that we love Blue Diamond Almond Coconut Milk better than dairy milk and that it has more calcium.  Also Dark Chocolate Almond milk is the best chocolate milk I've ever had!!
I plan on this summer going meatless 2 times a week.

A look at what's in my fridge now...since we couldn't find the Blue Diamond milk that we like so much

Green video: Wall-E

This is a great movie the whole family is sure to love.  My husband probably watches it more than my 3year old daughter!  There are a few messages in this cartoon: we need to take care of our planet, we are going to start running out of places to put our trash and have to reduce how much we are putting in landfills, we are lazy people and have learned how to become helpless and that we can change.  Let us hope that in 100 years this our planet is still beautiful and that this movie is still just fiction.

Green Person: Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee
Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee founded a wonderful company that was created with nature in mind.  The company he started has lead the way in many health and environmental ways.
"Follow the laws of nature and you'll never go wrong." -Dr Forrest C Shaklee
Here is a list of just some of the environmental heritage of Dr. Forrest Shaklee:

1956   Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee founds a company based on Living in Harmony with Nature® that is committed to developing products to improve the health of people and the planet. 
1970s   Shaklee introduces one of the first biodegradable laundry detergents that contains no phosphates, nitrates, or borates. 

1987 Shaklee is selected by Jacques Cousteau and the Cousteau Society to provide environmentally friendly 
cleaning products for use onboard their research vessels, the Calypso and Alcyone. 
1989 Shaklee helps build schools and health clinics and plants more than 1 million trees in Asia through a partnership with the American Himalayan Foundation, an organization chaired by Sir Edmund Hillary

2009 Shaklee commemorates the planting of the 1 millionth tree, a culmination of a three year campaign, “A Million Trees. A Million Dreams, with program Ambassador and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Wangari Maathai and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

2009 Shaklee is honored with a Green Power Leadership Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in recognition of its commitment and contribution to helping advance the development of the nation’s voluntary green power market. 

On my facebook page I'm going to keep posting 1 green fact about Shaklee everyday so like it and learn more about this great company Dr. Forrest Shaklee started!!

To learn more about Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee check out these links: youtubeThe-Shaklee-Name-History-ebookThe-Shaklee-Story

Thank you Dr. Forrest Shaklee for founding this great company with such a strong foundation that is bonded with nature.

Thank you makers of Wall-E for creating a movie to make kids and parents aware of where our world is headed if we don't change!

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