Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Amendment One in NC

I was under the impression that the first amendment was for the FREEDOM of religion, speech, press, and gathering.  I know it's been a few years since I studied the US Constitution but I do know that it is what makes our country great is that we have FREEDOM.  Which is why so many people use to come here. 
I know each amendment goes deeper than is seen and stated, which you can dive into and read all about in the links above.  What I'd like to address is some post and information I've seen that I really can't agree with.  I use to live in NC and still have friends who live there so this is how I learned about the new proposed bill, one of my friends shared the photo:

This really aggravates me that such a beautiful state could think to take away a person's rights.  It doesn't matter if what your status is, what your religion is, if you're gay, straight, bi, dress conservatively or "inappropriately" if someone says NO it means NO.  Abuse of all kinds can happen to anyone and everyone should be able to get help.

Not only would this take away domestic violence protections but it would ban all types of civil unions and partnership which is not between one man and one woman.  Learn about the ballot.

Please let's open our eyes to how this will be taking away peoples rights.  How can we think that it is OK to say that only if you're married that you will be involved in domestic violence?  And why is there such hate towards gay people?

If you know anyone living in NC please share this with them so they can know what's going on in their state.

You won't see many post from me about voting but this is something I feel strongly about.  I don't get into politics much because I don't have a "side" and usually I don't vote but if I were in NC or something like this was going on in my state I'd be registering to vote right away.

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