Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy April Everyone

I love April for a couple reasons: Easter, my birthday, Take Back The NightEarth Day, Spring, and it's a month of sexual assault awareness.
I was molested as a child and on through my teen years so TBTN and raising awareness is important to me.  I realized over the weekend that I should have a blog for that and this month I will start one.
I love Spring; the warmer weather, new growth, fresh air, new life, just makes you feel alive and new yourself.
Earth Day.  As you know I wasn't always green, or healthy.  I wasn't raised to reduce, reuse, recycle - going green is new to me.  This is an adjustment for both my family and myself, but it's worth it to do all we can to save our planet.  Our kids should be able to see animals that are endangered (right now) all the time, they should be able to drink water from a stream, and think that the movie WALL-E will never become true because we reversed the problem and changed the direction our world is going in because we've opened our eyes to what we're doing.
For Earth Day I plan on writing one post every day this month with:
1-way to go green tip
1-green webpage/video
1-green person
I think it's also important that I follow my advice so I will be doing everything I share as well.

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